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关于Java Web 中中文乱码问题的探讨
(山东工业职业学院,山东 淄博 256414)

摘  要:Java Web 网站开发中经常出现中文乱码问题,初学者在解决此类问题时非常耗费时间。以eclipse 开发环境为例,针对初学者在Java Web 开发中经常出现的字符编码问题,分别从常见字符编码种类、设定方式、不同页面类型代码编写差异方面进行总结,并对常见中文乱码产生原因进行分析并给出相应的解决方案,为解决中文乱码问题提供相应的思路。

关键词:Java Web;字符编码;中文乱码;eclipse

中图分类号:TP311         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)01-0074-03

Discussion on Chinese Messy Code in Java Web


(Shandong Vocational College of Industry,Zibo 256414,China)

Abstract:In the development of Java Web,the problem of Chinese messy code is often occered,which is very time consuming.Taking the eclipse development environment as an example,aiming at the character coding problems that often appear in the Java Web development for beginners,this paper summarizes the common types of character coding,setting methods,and the differences in code writing of different page types,and analyzes the causes of common Chinese character scrambling and gives the corresponding solutions,so as to provide the corresponding ideas for solving the problem of Chinese character scrambling.

Keywords:Java Web;character encoding;Chinese messy code;eclipse


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