摘 要:VR、AR、MR 技术分别指虚拟现实技术、增强现实技术、混合现实技术,是21 世纪最前沿的技术和最受大众欢迎的流行文化元素。VR、AR、MR 技术深刻地改变了人类的生活方式,也描绘了未来世界的形态,将会引起颠覆性的变革。尽管未来VR、AR、MR 技术在体育运动项目中将会代替传统工具发挥主导作用,但是国内外尚没有针对其技术发展对篮球运动项目的影响而进行的系统性的研究,因此本文的研究对这一问题进行了全面的分析,希望能够填补研究空白,力图有所创新,对我国篮球事业的发展提出有益的建议。
关键词:VR 技术;AR 技术;MR 技术;篮球;影响
中图分类号:G80 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)02-0106-03
Research on the Influence of VR,AR and MR Technology Development on Basketball Events
LU Yanwen,YE Danqing
(Medical College of Jiaying University,Meizhou 514031,China)
Abstract:VR,AR,MR technology,namely virtual reality technology,augmented reality technology and hybrid reality technology,is the most cutting-edge technology and one of the most popular culture in the 21st century. VR、AR、MR technology has profoundly changed the way of life of human beings,and also depicts the shape of the future world,which will cause subversive changes.Although VR、AR、MR technology will replace traditional tools to play a leading role in sports in the future,there is no systematic research on the influence of technology development on basketball sports at home and abroad. Therefore,the research system of this paper makes a comprehensive analysis of this problem,hoping to fill the research gap,try to innovate,and put forward some suggestions on the development of basketball in China Suggestions for benefits.
Keywords:VR technology;AR technology;MR technology;basketball;influence
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