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HoloLens 2 混合现实新特性探究
(广东水利电力职业技术学院,广东 广州 510925)

摘  要:微软公司于2019 年11 月7 日开始向全球发售最新的混合现实设备HoloLens 2。针对HoloLens 2 所具备的新特性进行探讨,认为该混合现实设备可以提高用户的佩戴舒适度、增强用户的沉浸感、提供最新的眼动追踪功能以及更加自然的多种手势操作,并且集成了先进的人工智能技术,可以加速为用户实现商业价值。

关键词:混合现实;HoloLens 2;新特性;虚拟现实;增强现实

中图分类号:TP316.7         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)02-0121-03

Exploring New Features of HoloLens 2 Mixed Reality

GONG Chibing

(Guangdong Polytechnic of Water Resources and Electric Engineering,Guangzhou 510925,China)

Abstract:Microsoft Corporation launched the latest hybrid reality device HoloLens 2 on November 7,2019. This paper discusses the new features of HoloLens 2,and considers that the hybrid reality device can improve the user’s wearing comfort,enhance the user’s immersion,provide the latest eye tracking function and more natural multi gesture operation,and integrate advanced artificial intelligence technology,which can accelerate the realization of commercial value for users. artificial intelligence technology,which can accelerate the realization of commercial value for users.

Keywords:mixed reality;HoloLens 2;new characteristics;virtual reality;augment reality


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