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​基于 Android 平台的课程表管理系统
(中山火炬职业技术学院,广东 中山 528436)

摘  要:针对目前大学生对课程表管理的需求,基于 Android 手机平台,设计一款课程表管理系统,实现了课程表的管理功能。系统中设置了学期课表和周课表模式,添加了菜单功能,以适用不同的课表管理情况,采用 SQLite 数据库进行本地数据存储,对课程表详细信息进行管理。经过模拟器和手机测试,系统各项功能运行稳定可靠,具有较强的方便性、实用性和可靠性,给大学生课程表的管理带来方便。

关键词:Android;课程表;SQLite 数据库;课程管理

中图分类号:TP311         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)04-0097-03

Management System of Curriculum Based on Android Platform

WU Minjun,ZHANG Zhi

(Zhongshan Torch Polytechnic,Zhongshan 528436,China)

Abstract:According to the current needs of college students for curriculum management,based on Android mobile platform,a curriculum management system is designed to achieve the management function of curriculum. In the system,semester schedule and weekly schedule mode are set,and menu function is added to adapt to different schedule management situations. SQLite database is used to store local data and manage the detailed information of the schedule. Through the test of simulator and mobile phone,all functions of the system are stable and reliable,with strong convenience,practicability and reliability,which brings convenience to the management of college students’curriculum.

Keywords:Android;curriculum;SQLite database;course management

课题项目:广东省高等教育学会“十三五”规划高校青年教师高等教育学研究课题(19GGZ 044)


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