摘 要:微信及微信公众平台的普及,为成人教育移动学习提供了良好条件,让学生可以利用碎片化时间进行学习。文章提出充分利用企业资源,把微信公众平台应用到计算机应用基础课程的移动学习中,由校企合作方式开发公众平台,在微信公众平台上把课程文章、视频、课程公告推送给学生学习,学生在公众平台上进行在线练习和经验交流。通过使用微信公众平台与学生进行互动交流,改变教学方式,满足学生需求,提高教学质量。
中图分类号:G642 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)04-0100-03
Exploration and Practice of WeChat Public Platform in Mobile Learning
(College of Computer,Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology,Maoming 525000,China)
Abstract:The popularity of WeChat and WeChat public platform provides good conditions for adult education mobile learning,so that students can use fragmented time for learning. It is proposed to make full use of enterprise resources,apply WeChat public platform to mobile learning of computer application foundation course,develop public platform through school enterprise cooperation,push course articles,videos,course announcements to students for learning on WeChat public platform,and students conduct online practice and experience exchange on public platform. By using WeChat public platform to interact with students,change teaching methods,meet students’needs,and improve teaching quality.
Keywords:WeChat public platform;mobile learning;computer application foundation;school enterprise cooperation;teaching research
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