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​Python 在网络运维中的应用
(北京信息职业技术学院,北京 100015)

摘  要:当今信息化技术的发展推动了互联网科技的进步,计算机设备以及系统在发展的过程中被诸多的行业所应用,在网络的运行维护中,所使用的技术和系统也逐渐向着智能化、自动化方向发展。其中编程语言成为最主要的技术手段,Python编程系统能够在基础的语言编程技术上,组建自身的数据库,能够对用户带来较便捷的使用体验。针对 Python 在网络运行维护方面具体的应用情况进行相关的分析,来推动网络科技技术的应用发展。


中图分类号:TP393         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)04-0122-03

Application of Python in Network Operation and Maintenance

YANG Ying,LI Huiying

(Beijing Information Technology College,Beijing 100015,China)

Abstract:Nowadays,the development of information technology has promoted the progress of internet science and technology. Computer equipment and system have been applied by many industries in the process of development. In the operation and maintenance of the network,the technology and system used are gradually developing towards the direction of intelligence and automation. Among them,programming language has become the most important technical means. Python programming system can build its own database based on basic language programming technology,which can bring more convenient experience to users. In order to promote the application and development of network science and technology,the paper analyzes the specific application of Python in network operation and maintenance.

Keywords:Python;network application;running maintenance


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李慧颖(1980-),女,汉族,北京人,讲师,硕士,研究方向:Linux 操作系统、网络互联技术。