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(广西安全工程职业技术学院,广西 南宁 530100)

摘  要:在网络普及下农产品电商得到发展,随着农产品产量增大,近几年农产品电商遇到瓶颈。为提高客户黏度和用户参与农产品推广和销售的积极性,经过认真分析农产品营销和信息管理的现状,对其业务进行了分析阐述并整理用户的业务需求分析,进行系统功能设计。系统的实现,将为农产品营销提供一种新的模式,促进国内农产品营销,解决农产品销售难题。


中图分类号:TP311.52         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)05-0061-04

Design of Agricultural Product Marketing System Based on Socialization


(Guangxi Vocational College of Safety Engineering,Nanning 530100,China)

Abstract:Under the popularization of internet,e-commerce of agricultural products has been developed. With the increase of agricultural production,e-commerce of agricultural products has encountered a bottleneck in recent years. In order to improve the viscosity of customers and the enthusiasm of users to participate in the promotion and sale of agricultural products,after careful analysis of the current situation of marketing and information management of agricultural products,this paper analyzes and expounds the business needs of users,and designs the system functions. The realization of the system will provide a new mode for the marketing of agricultural products,promote the marketing of domestic agricultural products,and solve the marketing problems of agricultural products.

Keywords:social e-commerce;agricultural products;mobile internet;online marketing

基金项目:2019 年度广西高校中青年教师科研基础能力提升项目:基于社交化的农产品网络营销系统的设计与实现(2019KY1626)


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