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基于STL 容器的C++ 课程综合案例的设计与实现
(辽宁科技大学 计算机与软件工程学院,辽宁 鞍山 114051)

摘  要:C++ 程序设计是软件工程专业的专业基础课,也是程序设计的入门课程,从2014 年开始对课程进行教与学模式改革,主要做法有精讲理论、强化实践、注重编程能力,文章从实际应用的角度,精选一定的实际案例,通过运用STL 的几个容器进行编写综合案例,意在提高学生的编程能力和调试程序的能力,为后续的软件项目开发的系列课程学习打好基础。

关键词:C++ 程序设计;容器;综合案例;常规血型;幻方

中图分类号:TP311.5;TP312         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)08-0096-03

Design and Implementation of C++ Curriculum Integrated Case Based on STL Container

ZHANG Xiumei,WANG Wenjun,SHEN Xi

(School of Computer Science and Software Engineering,University of Science and Technology Liaoning,Anshan 114051,China)

Abstract:C++ program design is a professional basic course in software engineering,is also an introductory course of program design,starting from 2014 mode of teaching and learning reform of the course,the main methods include elaborating theory,strengthening practice and paying attention to programming ability,from the point of view of practical application,this paper selected some actual cases,using STL (standard template library) to write a few container integrated case,intended to improve the ability of the students’ability of programming and debugging process,lay a good foundation for the following series of courses of software project development.

Keywords:C++ programming;container;comprehensive; casesconventional blood type;magic square



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