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(安徽信息工程学院,安徽 芜湖 241000)

摘  要:需求测试和用例设计都是软件测试活动中的重要环节。本文从思维模式的角度分析了二者在设计过程中的差别。需求测试需要用理性认知去分析,采用整体的思维模式,偏客观地思考。而用例设计更偏向细节,需要感性认知进行分析,采用细腻的思维模式,在设计过程中可以适当加入个人主观情绪。


中图分类号:TP311.5         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)04-0091-02

Differences Between Requirement Test and Use Case Design Thinking Mode
CHEN Mengke,DAI Ping
(Anhui Institute of Information Technology,Wuhu 241000,China)

Abstract:The requirement test and use case design are both important links in the software testing activities. This paper analyzes the differences in the design process from the perspective of thinking mode. Needs test needs to be analyzed by rational cognition,and the whole thinking mode should be adopted to think objectively. And the use case design is more specific to the details,the need for perceptual knowledge analysis,the need for delicate thinking mode,in the design process can be appropriately added to the individual
subjective emotion.

Keywords:requirement testing;use case design;rationality and sensibility;holistic thinking


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