摘 要:城市规划馆是城市的重要组成部分,其可为城市居民提供服务,并对城市未来发展进行展示。为体现城市规划馆 的价值,需结合有效的技术类型,增强城市规划馆的功能。其中,多媒体技术的运用,可增强城市规划馆的表达和服务。而多媒 体的交互技术,能够在展示的同时,实现人机互动,有效地增强市民的体验感,能够更为清晰地了解城市发展规划。多媒体技术 在城市规划馆中的运用,对增强城市规划馆的服务能力具有积极的作用。故此,文章对多媒体技术在城市规划馆中的应用展开分析,研究多媒体技术应用优势,分析具体多媒体展示、交互技术,旨在构建智能化、人性化的城市规划馆,促使居民更为了解城市规划建设方案,并积极参与到城市建设中,推动城市持续健康地发展。
中图分类号:TP37 文献标识码: A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)04-0093-02
The Application of Multimedia Technology in the City Planning Hall
FAN Hongxia
(Information Center of Guilin Lingui New District Management Committee,Guilin 541100,China)
Abstract:The urban planning hall is an important part of the city. It can serve the urban residents and display the future development of the city. In order to embody the value of the urban planning hall,it is necessary to combine the effective technology types to enhance the function of the urban planning hall. Among them,the application of multimedia technology can enhance the expression and service of the urban planning hall. And multimedia interactive technology,can be displayed at the same time,the realization of human computer interaction,effectively enhance the sense of the people's experience,can be more clear understanding of the urban development planning. The application of multimedia technology in the urban planning hall plays a positive role in enhancing the service ability of the urban planning hall. Therefore,the paper analyzes the application of multimedia technology in the city planning hall,studies the advantages of multimedia technology application,analyzes the concrete multimedia display and interactive technology,and aims at constructing the intelligent and humanized urban planning hall,which encourages the residents to know more about the plan of urban planning and construction,and actively participates in the construction of the city,and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the city.
Keywords:multimedia technology;urban planning hall;multimedia display
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