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金融业IPv6 规模部署中的相关问题及对策研究
(中国人民银行漯河市中心支行,河南 漯河 462300)

摘  要:金融业的运行会消耗大量的网址资源,采用IPv6 规模部署技术可以在网址资源日益减少的当前提高系统运行稳定性。文章通过研究IPv6 规模部署的实现路径和可用技术,研究了双栈改造技术、隧道通信技术和翻译实现技术的技术原理,分析方法包括对于目前专业研究成果的分析和研究,分析不同技术类型的优劣势,并以中国人民银行漯河市中心支行为研究对象,分析可以采用的最佳技术方案,达到技术部署技术的科学选用目的。

关键词:金融业;IPv6 规模部署;隧道技术

中图分类号:TP393.04         文献标识码:A          文章编号:2096-4706(2020)09-0096-03

Problems and Countermeasures in IPv6 Scale Deployment of Financial Industry

LI Xiaoguang

(Luohe Central Sub-branch of the People’s Bank of China,Luohe 462300,China)

Abstract:The operation of financial industry will consume a lot of web resources. IPv6 scale deployment technology can improve the stability of the system at present when the web resources are decreasing. By studying the implementation path and available technology of IPv6 scale deployment,this paper studies the technical principles of double stack transformation technology,tunnel communication technology and translation implementation technology. The analysis methods include the analysis and research of current professional research results,the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of different technology types,and the analysis of the research object of Luohe Central Sub-branch of the People’s Bank of China. The best technical scheme is used to achieve the purpose of scientific selection of technology deployment technology.

Keywords:financial industry;IPv6 scale deployment;tunnel technology


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作者简介:李小光(1985-),男,汉族,河南西华人,就职于科技科,副科长,中级经济师,管理学学士,研究方向:金融业网络安全管理、IPv6 规模部署。