摘 要:以数字型基础设施为代表的“新基建”目前处在起步阶段,面对经济下行的压力,夯实物流产业基础,可合理规划配送路线来提高物流配送效率。以合肥市某知名快递企业配送路径优化问题为研究对象,分析该企业配送问题,建立以配送网络成本最小为优化目标的数学模型,采用基本遗传算法的流程为模型设计算法,仿真运行得出结论。
中图分类号:TP18;F252 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)09-0099-03
Research on Optimization of Express Delivery Route Based on Genetic Algorithm
YANG Suhan,YU Lei
(Hefei Technology College,Hefei 230011,China)
Abstract:“New infrastructure” represented by digital infrastructure currently in its infancy. In face of economic downward pressure,laying solid foundation of logistics industry,a reasonable planning route can be distributed to improve the efficiency of logistics distribution. A famous express enterprises in Hefei distribution route optimization problem as the research object,analyzing the enterprise distribution problems,establishing a distribution network,and the mathematical model of objective function is minimum cost,using the basic process of genetic algorithm for the model to design algorithm,and simulation in order to draw the conclusion.
Keywords:delivery route;genetic algorithm;optimal model
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