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(新疆师范高等专科学校 信息科学与技术学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830043)

摘  要:针对少数民族人脸识别效果的关键在于能否有效提取该民族面部特征的问题,文章提出了将3 种特征提取方法——PCA、LBP 和Gabor 小波应用于少数民族人脸图像特征提取的方法。首先,对少数民族人脸图像预处理归一化,以便消除光照姿态等影响,然后运用3 种方法提取维吾尔族和哈萨克族人脸图像的特征,最后使用K 近邻分类算法对所提取的民族特征进行了验证,Gabor 小波提取的民族特征有最好的效果,2 个民族识别率达到了96.75% 和97.02%。

关键词:特征提取;PCA;LBP;Gabor 小波

中图分类号:TP391.41         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)21-0088-03

Research on Facial Feature Extraction of Ethnic Minorities

LIU Wenhui,XU Rui

(School of Information Sciences and Technology,Xinjiang Teacher’s College,Urumqi 830043,China)

Abstract:In view of the problem that the key to the effect of minority face recognition is whether the facial features can be extracted effectively,the article proposes a method to apply three feature extraction methods——PCA,LBP and Gabor wavelet to the feature extraction of minority face images. Firstly,the minority face image is preprocessed and normalized to eliminate the influence of illumination and posture. Then,three methods are used to extract the features of Uygur and Kazakh face images. Finally,the K-nearest neighbor classification algorithm is used to verify the extracted ethnic features. Gabor wavelet has the best effect,and the recognition rate of the two ethnic minorities reaches 96.75% and 97.02%.

Keywords:feature extraction;PCA;LBP;Gabor wavelet


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