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(1. 湖南水利水电职业技术学院,湖南 长沙 410131;2. 北京三岳智能科技有限公司,北京 100022)

摘  要:为改变传统物业管理模式存在的种种弊端,提升物业的管理效率和业主的居住幸福感,在“互联网+”时代,提出了“互联网+”视阈下商业物业住宅社会服务的系统设计理念。“互联网+”视阈下的物业信息管理采用“一屏两端”,即电脑加手机APP 的模式,引入人工智能模块,通过云简单系统,设计物业的自检报事、产品基本报修、工单管理、设备定期维护应用、维修人员工作量与绩效信息管理等功能,达到减少人工干扰、提高响应速度,信息透明公开的设计效果。


中图分类号:TP311.5         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)21-0091-04

Design of Property Service System Based on Cloud Simplicity “Internet Plus” Perspective

YIN Le1,XUE Zhengpeng1,TANG Wei2

(1.Hunan Polytechnic of Water Resources and Electric Power,Changsha 410131,China;2.Beijing Sanyue Zhineng Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100022,China)

Abstract:In order to change the shortcomings of the traditional property management model and improve the efficiency of property management and the happiness of the owners,in the era of “internet plus”,the system design concept of commercial property residential social services under the “internet plus” perspective is put forward. The property information management under the “internet plus” vision adopts the “one screen at both ends”,that is,the model of computer plus mobile phone APP,the introduction of artificial intelligence module,through the cloud simplicity system to design property self-inspection report,basic product repair,work order management,equipment regular maintenance application,maintenance personnel workload and performance information management and other functions to achieve the design effect of reducing manual interference,improving response speed,and information transparency.

Keywords:internet;design of property service system;cloud simplicity


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殷乐(1984—),女,汉族,湖南长沙人,教师,讲师,工程师,毕业于湖南大学项目管理专业,工程硕士,主要研究方向:项目管理、教研教改、水利PPP 模式、资料整编等;

