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(山东服装职业学院,山东 泰安 271000)

摘  要:针对传统的中值滤波软件处理速度慢,无法达到图像处理高实时性要求的特点。文献中提出了基于FPGA 的快速中值滤波算法,充分结合硬件的高实时性和软件的调度复杂性,同时采用流水线结构,使图像中值滤波处理的实时性得到提高。文章对已有的算法进行改进,简化了硬件结构,而又不失图像处理的实时性。该算法通过仿真验证,得出算法在图像中值滤波处理中的可行性,能够满足实时性要求。


中图分类号:TP391.41         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)21-0097-04

Software and Hardware Optimization of Image Median Filtering Algorithm

LI Longhua,WANG Suguo

(Shandong Vocational Institute of Fashion Technology,Tai’an 271000,China)

Abstract:Aiming at slow speed of software processing for the traditional median filtering,unable to meet the characteristics of the high real-time requirements of image processing. The literature proposed the FPGA-based fast median filtering algorithm,taking full advantage of high real-time hardware and software scheduling complexity,along with adopting a pipelined structure,so that improve the processing of real-time of image median filtering. The article improves existing algorithm,simplifies the hardware structure,and does not lose the real-time image processing. The algorithm is verified by simulation,and the feasibility of the algorithm in the image median filter processing is obtained,and it can meet the real-time requirements.

Keywords:median filtering;real-time;FPGA;hardware structure;simulation verification;feasibility


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