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(1. 青岛大学,山东 青岛 266071;2. 青岛市市立医院 东院,山东 青岛 266071;3. 北京万灵盘古科技有限公司,北京 100089)

摘  要:随着中国糖尿病患者人数及病死率不断上升,对空腹血糖的有效检测及合理预测是目前的研究重点。采用数据挖掘的方法,根据体检数据建立空腹血糖变化预测模型。基于前三年的医学检查数据预测第四年空腹血糖的变化,从医学检查数据库中收集实验数据。在特征选择阶段,使用主成分分析选择最佳特征子集,结合5 种机器学习算法建立模型并预测患病风险。实验结果表明随机森林算法模型对糖尿病风险预测效果最佳。


中图分类号:TP311.13;R587.1         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)23-0072-04

Comparative Study of Diabetes Risk Prediction Models Based on Physical

Examination Data

MA Wenbin1,WANG Ke2,YU Bin3,FENG Chaonan3,JI Jun1,3

(1.Qingdao University,Qingdao 266071,China;2.East Hospital of Qingdao Municipal Hospital,Qingdao 266071,China; 3.Beijing Wanlingpangu Technology Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100089,China)

Abstract:With the increasing number of diabetes patients and mortality in China,the effective detection and reasonable prediction of fasting blood glucose is the focus of current research. Using the method of data mining,the prediction model of fasting blood glucose change was established according to the physical examination data. Based on the medical examination data of the previous three years to predict the change of fasting blood glucose in the fourth year,the experimental data is collected from the medical examination database.In the feature selection stage,principal component analysis is used to select the best feature subset,combined with five machine learningalgorithms to build a model and predict the risk of disease. The experimental results show that the random forest algorithm model is the bestfor diabetes risk prediction.

Keywords:fasting blood glucose;machine learning;PCA;physical examination data;diabetes prediction

基金项目:国家自然科学基金(61503208);山东省自然科学基金- 培养基金项目(ZR2015PF002)


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