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(1. 河南省科研生产试验基地 管理服务中心,河南 郑州 450008;2. 陕西公众智能科技有限公司,陕西 西安 710075)

摘  要:乡村、偏远地区的医疗废物产生量远小于大型综合性医院,突出特点可概括为小规模、分散化、碎片化和高成本,因此,乡村医疗废物处置管理工作重点应着眼于前期医疗废物科学合理的收集分类和中期的及时贮存转运,以及建立覆盖全流程的可追溯、闭环式的管理体系。文章设计并建设乡村医疗废物处置信息化系统,以信息化手段作为环境卫生监管的重要支撑与补充,能够实现医疗废物规范化管理,有效防控医疗废物环境与安全风险。



中图分类号:TP311;X799.5                           文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)09-0060-05

Design and Implementation of Rural Medical Waste Disposal Informatization System

WEI Shuai1 ,ZHAO Lei 2

(1.Management Service Center of Henan Scientific Research and Production Test Base,Zhengzhou 450008,China; 2.Shaanxi Public Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd.,Xi’an 710075,China)

Abstract:The amount of medical waste generated in rural and remote areas is much smaller than that of large-scale general hospitals. The outstanding characteristics can be summarized as small-scale,decentralized,fragmented,and high-cost. Therefore, the focus of rural medical waste disposal and management should focus on the scientific and reasonable collection and classification of medical waste in the early stage and the timely storage and transportation in the medium term,and the establishment of a traceable, closed-loop management system covering the entire process. This paper designs and builds a rural medical waste disposal informatization system,using informatization technology as an important support and supplement to environmental sanitation supervision,can achieve standardized management of medical waste,and effectively prevent and control medical waste environmental and safety risks.

Keywords:medical waste;disposal;informatization system


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作者简介:魏帅(1979—),男,汉族,河南许昌人,高级工 程师,学士学位,研究方向:信息化管理和科研管理。