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基于 LoRaWAN 技术的定位报警系统设计
(上海市徐汇区教育局校舍基建管理站,上海 200030)

摘  要:在野外、夜间、城市等环境中进行长时间的人员定位报警始终是个难题。该文将新型超低功耗 LoRaWAN 通信技术、自发电技术和卫星定位技术相结合,设计基于 LoRaWAN 技术的定位报警系统,能够在多种复杂室外环境中以超低功耗方式传输定位报警信息,系统功耗低、覆盖距离远。通过搭建 LoRaWAN 实验网络进行定位实验,实验结果表明该定位报警系统的定位精度能满足复杂城市环境中的人员定位需求。



中图分类号:TN925;TN967.1                       文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2021)10-0043-06

Design of Positioning Alarm System Based on LoRaWAN Technology

JIN Qixuan

(Construction Management of Education Bureau of Xuhui District,Shanghai 200030,China)

Abstract:It is always a difficult problem to carry out personnel positioning alarm in the field,night,city and other environments for a long time. Combining the new ultra-low-power LoRaWAN communication technology,self-power generation technology and satellite positioning technology,this paper designs a positioning alarm system based on LoRaWAN technology,which can transmit positioning alarm information in a variety of complex outdoor environments in an ultra-low-power way,the system has low power consumption and long coverage distance. By setting up LoRaWAN experimental network for positioning experiment,the experimental results show that the positioning accuracy of the positioning alarm system can meet the personnel positioning demands in complex urban environment.

Keywords:low power consumption;LoRaWAN;outdoor positioning;positioning alarm


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作者简介:金祺萱(1988.03—),女,汉族,上海人,中级 职称,本科,研究方向:土木工程、建筑智能化。