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(中国人民大学,北京 100872)

摘  要:信息科技的提升推动着传统银行不断探索新的经营模式,同时,在“互联网 +”概念的影响下互联网企业开始涉足银行金融业。这也激发了具有传统银行背景的“直销银行”和基于互联网企业背景的民营“直销银行”间的竞争。近来,IT厂商不断研发大数据产品,越来越多的开源大数据解决方案使用分布式架构来加强存储和计算数据的能力。直销银行也相继采用分布式文件系统和分布式计算。



中图分类号:TP301                                      文献标识码:A                                      文章编号:2096-4706(2021)10-0048-05

Application of Distributed Consistency in Internet Lending System of Direct Bank

ZENG Fanlei

(Renmin University of China,Beiing 100872,China)

Abstract:The improvement of information technology has promoted traditional banks to constantly explore new business models. At the same time,under the influence of the concept of “internet plus”,internet companies begin to set foot in the banking and financial industry. It also inspires the competition between the “direct bank” with a traditional banking background and the private “direct bank” with the internet enterprise background. Recently,IT vendors have continuously developed big data products,and more and more open source big data solutions use distributed architecture to strengthen the ability to store and calculate data. Direct banks are also successively adopting distributed file systems and distributed computing.

Keywords:direct bank;internet lending system;distributed;consistency


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作者简介:曾凡垒(1981—),男,汉族,山东潍坊人,高级 研发工程师,在职硕士研究生在读,研究方向:计算机应用技术。