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基于 Unity3D 的虚拟现实游戏设计与实现——以《VR 动物园》项目为例
(江苏联合职业技术学院苏州旅游与财经分院,江苏 苏州 215104)

摘  要:在产教融合背景下,校企合作开发了一款 VR 体验式游戏,让玩家以全新的视角了解动物特性的同时,也可以提高学生 VR 游戏设计开发能力。《VR 动物园》游戏开发以 3DMAX 软件、Unity3D 引擎和 C# 语言为开发工具,围绕需求分析、整体设计、技术实现、测试与结果分析等关键环节,分析 VR 游戏的设计要点和关键技术的实现方法。游戏测试结果表明,《VR动物园》可以让玩家利用 VR 设备实现良好的交互效果和较强沉浸式的游戏体验,具有一定的社会和经济价值。



中图分类号:TP391.9                                     文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2021)10-0053-05

Design and Implementation of Virtual Reality Game Based on Unity3D ——Take the “VR Zoo” Project as an Example

WANG Jianlei

(Suzhou Tourism and Finance Branch of Jiangsu Union Technical Institute,Suzhou 215104,China)

Abstract:Under the background of the integration of enterprises with vocational schools and universities,schools and enterprises cooperate to develop a VR experiential game,which allows players to understand animal characteristics from a new perspective,while also improving students’VR game design and development capabilities. “VR Zoo” game development uses 3DMAX software, Unity3D engine and C# language as development tools,and analyzes the design points of VR games and the implementation methods of key technologies based on key links such as requirement analysis,overall design,technical implementation,testing and result analysis. Game test results show that “VR Zoo” allows players to use VR equipment to achieve good interactive effects and a strong immersive gaming experience,which has a certain social value and economic value.

Keywords:Unity3D;virtual reality;game development and design


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作者简介:王建磊(1984.06—),男,汉族,山东菏泽人, 讲师,硕士研究生,研究方向:虚拟现实、三维动画。