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(广州工商学院 工学院,广东 佛山 528138)

摘  要:通过 VR 技术完成三维校园漫游系统的设计,可以全面真实地展示校园建筑和人文环境,宣传校园文化。文章通过对广州工商学院花都校区部分实际场景的搭建,研究了基于全景技术的三维校园漫游系统的虚拟场景搭建技术,重点介绍了全景拍摄技术、图像拼接技术、图像处理技术以及全景视频的后期处理技术,最终实现校园的全景漫游系统的构建。

关键词:VR 技术;虚拟现实;全景漫游;图像拼接


课题项目:2019 年广州工商学院院级科研项 目(KA201927)

中图分类号:TP391.9                                      文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2021)11-0060-04

Virtual Scene Construction Of 3D Virtual Campus Based On Panorama Technology —Take Some Scenes of Huadu Campus of Guangzhou College of Technology and Business as an Example

LI Jianfu, LI Man

(Institute of Technology, Guangzhou College of Technology and Business, Foshan 528138, China)

Abstract: The design of 3D Virtual Campus is completed through VR technology, which can comprehensively and truly display the campus architecture and humanistic environment and publicize the campus culture. Through the construction of some actual scenes in Huadu campus of Guangzhou College of Technology and Business, this paper studies the virtual scene construction technology of 3D virtual campus based on panorama technology, focusing on panoramic shooting technology, image mosaic technology, image processing technology and post-processing technology of panoramic video, and finally realizes the construction of campus panoramic roaming system.

Keywords: VR technology; virtual reality; panoramic roaming; image mosaic


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作者简介:李建甫(1997.02—),男,汉族,广东肇庆人, 学士学位,研究方向:数字媒体技术;李满(1966.12—),女, 汉族,河南南阳人,副教授,硕士,研究方向:虚拟现实技术、人 工智能。