摘 要:石油石化行业上下游各环节受灾害性天气影响明显,如何高效汇集气象部门发布的灾害性天气预警信息,指导企业及时采取有效的应对措施来减少因灾损失,是行业企业推进数字化转型需要关注的一项重要课题。通过分析行业企业受灾害性天气影响情况,结合实际应用需求,设计石油石化行业气象监测预警系统,可辅助企业生产运营和应急管理工作的开展,协助企业筑牢防灾减灾工作的第一道防线。
中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)12-0064-04
Design and Implementation of Meteorological Monitoring and Early Warning System for Petroleum and Petrochemical Enterprises
LIU Moshan1 , WANG Wei 1 , LI Yanbai 2 , YAN Bo2
(1.China National Petroleum Corporation, Beijing 100028, China; 2.CNPC Research Institute of Safety and Environment Technology, Beijing 102206, China)
Abstract: The upstream and downstream links of the petroleum and petrochemical industry are obviously affected by the disastrous weather. How to efficiently collect the disastrous weather early warning information issued by the meteorological departments and guide enterprises to take timely effective response measures to reduce disaster losses is an important topic for industry enterprises to promote digital transformation. By analyzing the impact of disastrous weather on industry enterprises, combined with the actual application needs, the meteorological monitoring and early warning system in the petroleum and petrochemical industry is designed, which can provide help for enterprises in production operation and emergency management, so as to help enterprises build the first line of defense for disaster prevention and reduction.
Keywords: meteorological; monitoring; early warning; petroleum and petrochemical
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作者简介:刘墨山(1969.10—),男,汉族,吉林榆树人, 中国石油集团高级专家,博士,研究方向:石油石化行业安全工程; 王伟(1987.08—),男,汉族,河北廊坊人,工程师,硕士,研 究方向:石油石化行业安全管理;厉彦柏(1979.03—),男,汉族, 山东日照人,高级工程师,硕士,研究方向:石油石化行业应急管 理信息化;严波(1987.04—),男,汉族,四川南充人,工程师, 本科,研究方向:石油石化行业应急管理信息化。