摘 要:在数字媒体艺术设计专业的毕业设计中,常常因为学生缺乏专业的编程经验,导致作品的完成度受到桎梏。将可视化编程融入作品开发中,可有效降低非程序员编写脚本代码的难度,使其可将更多的精力投入到作品设计和美工方面,以提高毕设作品的艺术性、美观性、科技性,同时还会培养学生的计算思维,为他们在今后工作中解决难题提供帮助。文章以使用 UE4引擎中的蓝图制作天气变化的案例,讲解可视化编程中流程控制的应用。
关键词:虚拟现实;毕业设计;可视化编程;计算思维;UE4 引擎
基金项目:2020 年度苏州旅游与财经高等 职业技术学校研究课题(2020jyjx10)
中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)12-0068-04
Research on Visual Programming in Virtual Reality Graduation Project —Take the Weather Change Produced by UE4 as an Example
(Suzhou Tourism and Finance Institute, Suzhou 215104, China)
Abstract: In the graduation project of digital media art design specialty, the completion of works is often shackled due to students' lack of professional programming experience. Integrating visual programming into work development can effectively reduce the difficulty of non-programmers in writing script code, so that they can devote more energy to work design and art work, so as to improve the artistry, aesthetics, science and technology of finished works. Furthermore, it will also cultivate students' computational thinking and help them solve difficulties in their future work. Through an example of making weather change by using the blueprint in UE4 engine, this paper explains the application of process control in visual programming.
Keywords: virtual reality; graduation project; visual programming; computational thinking; UE4 engine
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作者简介:田晋(1983.10—),汉族,江苏苏州人,讲师, 硕士研究生,研究方向:信息技术、数字媒体。