摘 要:当前国家政策要求积极构建“互联网 + 教育”生态,打造智慧教育体系,因此需要相关学校积极响应国家政策,依托于互联网 + 时代下,做好校园小程序服务平台的设计。文章以“互联网 +”校园小程序服务平台设计与实现为研究对象,首先以校园后勤服务平台为例,介绍了“互联网 +”校园小程序服务平台功能需求,随后分析了校园小程序服务平台架构设计,最后对校园小程序服务平台功能设计实现进行了分析,希望能够为相关研究提供一定的参考。
关键词:“互联网 +”校园小程序;服务平台;设计实现
基金项目 : 广东省科技创新战略专项资金 项目(pdjh2021b0858)
中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)13-0081-04
Design and Implementation of “Internet+” Campus Applet Service Platform
YU Zhijun, WANG Wenjie, MAI Jiehao, ZHANG Cifeng
(Guangdong Financial & Trade Vocational College, Qingyuan 511510, China)
Abstract: Current national policies require actively building an “internet+education” ecology and building a smart education system. Therefore, relevant schools need to actively respond to the national policy, relying on the Internet+ era, and do a good job in the design of the campus applet service platform. The paper takes the design and implementation of the “internet+” campus applet service platform as the research object. First, taking the campus logistics service platform as an example, introduces the functional requirements of the “internet+” campus applet service platform, and then analyzes the architecture design of the campus applet service platform, finally analyzes the design and realization of the campus applet service platform function, hoping to provide a certain reference for related research.
Keywords: “internet+” campus applet; service platform; design and implementatio
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作者简介:余志钧(1991.03—),男,汉族,广东梅州人, 助理讲师,工商管理硕士,研究方向:企业管理与服务