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具有目标导向性的 RRT 路径规划研究
(安徽工业大学电气与信息工程学院,安徽 马鞍山 243032)

摘  要:在机器人全局路径规划中,首先对全局路径规划的各种探索路径的算法做了总结,对 RRT、A* 和 D* 算法做了对比,分析了这些算法的优缺点。鉴于 RRT 具有概率完备性,A* 和 D* 具有深度优先性,也就是目标导向性,文章使用一种算法更改了原 RRT 算法中随机点的选取方式,使 RRT 具有概率完备性的同时也拥有了目标导向性,实验证明,改进后的 RRT算法能够更快探索出到达目标点的路径。



中国分类号:TP242                                        文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2022)01-0069-05

Research on Target-Oriented RRT Path Planning

GUO Xiaokun, WU Yuxiu, LI Jing, CHENG Ruijia

(School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Anhui University of Technology, Maanshan 243032, China)

Abstract: In the global path planning of robots, we first summarize the various path exploration algorithms of the global path planning, compare the RRT, A* and D* algorithms, and analyze their advantages and disadvantages. Given that RRT has probability completeness, A* and D* has depth priority, that is target orientation, this paper uses an algorithm to change the selection method of random points in the original RRT algorithm and make RRT have probability completeness and target orientation at the same time. The experiment proves that improved RRT algorithm can faster explore the path to reach the target point.

Keywords: global path planning; RRT; A*; depth priority; probability completeness


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