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基于 Vitis AI 的可行驶区域检测定制计算系统设计
李慧琳¹,柴志雷 ¹,²
(1. 江南大学人工智能与计算机学院,江苏 无锡 214122;2. 江苏省模式识别与计算智能工程实验室,江苏 无锡 214122)

摘  要:针对基于卷积神经网络的可行驶区域检测方法计算耗时长、实时性差等问题,基于 Vitis AI 为其设计了一种定制计算系统,并通过采用模型定点化、网络剪枝、硬件定制等优化方法,实现了对可行驶区域检测方法的高效计算。实验结果表明,在 Xilinx ZCU102 异构计算平台上,可编程逻辑部分的工作频率为 200 MHz 时,所实现的可行使区域检测系统的识别帧率可达到 46 FPS,计算性能可达 903 GOPS,能效比为 50.45 GOPS/W,可以较好地满足实际系统的需求。

关键词:现场可编程门阵列;Vitis AI;可行驶区域检测;定制计算系统;卷积神经网络



中图分类号:TP391.4                                        文献标识码:A                               文章编号:2096-4706(2022)01-0073-06

Design of Customized Computing System for Drivable Area Detection Based on Vitis AI

LI Huilin1, CHAI Zhilei 1,2

(1.School of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China; 2.Jiangsu Provincial Engineering Laboratory of Pattern Recognition and Computational Intelligence, Wuxi 214122, China)

Abstract: Aiming at the problems of long calculation time and poor real-time performance of the drivable area detection method based on convolutional neural network, a customized computing system is designed based on Vitis AI, and optimization methods such as model fixedpointization, network  pruning, and hardware customization are adopted, which realizes the efficient computing of the drivable area detection method. The experimental results show that on the Xilinx ZCU102 heterogeneous computing platform, when the operating frequency of the programmable logic part is 200 MHz, the recognition frame rate of the realizable area detection system can reach 46 FPS, the computing performance can reach 903 GOPS, and the energy efficiency ratio is 50.45 GOPS/W, which can better meet the needs of the actual system.

Keywords: field programmable gate array; Vitis AI; drivable area detection; customized computing systems; convolutional neural network


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