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闲置物品分享APP 设计与开发
(西华大学 计算机与软件工程学院,四川 成都 610039)

摘  要:根据西华大学点击论坛中跳蚤市场版块的交互数据,以及其他学校的调研表明,大学生对闲置物品分享或二手交易的需求强烈,而现有论坛形式不能有效地支持分享或交易实际。开发一款基于共享经济的移动端闲置物品分享APP 平台,将增进学生之间的交流,使闲置的物品物尽其用,降低获取成本,节约资源。


中图分类号:TP311.5         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)06-0093-03

Design and Development of Unused Goods Sharing APP
ZHANG Bowen,GUO Li,ZHAO Chengfang
(School of Computer and Software Engineering,Xihua University,Chengdu 610039,China)

Abstract:According to the click BBS flea market interaction data and other school surveys show that college students have strong demand for unused goods sharing or second-hand transactions. The form of BBS can’t effectively support the sharing or trading practice. Develop a shared APP platform based on shared mobile terminal idle items. Make the best use of it,reduce the acquisition cost and save resources.

Keywords:university students;unused goods sharing;system development;APP


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