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(西安工程大学 机电工程学院,陕西 西安 710048)

摘  要:各工业领域中对机器视觉技术越来越青睐,在纺纱工业领域,理管机对纱管的识别技术的运用关键在于纱管颜色的识别,纱管的颜色特征容易辨别,并且颜色特征不会随传送带的运动而发生较大的改变,因此颜色信息被作为纱管主要的识别信息,这就要选取合适的颜色空间和颜色识别算法实时地进行纱管识别。文章主要研究RGB 颜色空间模型到HSI 颜色空间模型的转换,以及算法选择的判断。


中图分类号:TP391        文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)06-0096-03

Study on the Color Recognition Algorithm Technology of Yarn Tubes Sorting Machine
YAN Yafei,ZHANG Tuanshan,JI Yongle,ZHANG Fan,MENG Chunxue
(College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Xi’an Polytechnic University,Xi’an 710048,China)

Abstract:Machine vision technology is becoming more and more popular in various industrial fields. In the spinning industry,the key technology for the identification of yarn tube on yarn tubes sorting machine lies in the recognition of the color of the yarn tube,and the color characteristics of the yarn tube are easy to discern. And the color features do not change greatly with the movement of the conveyor belt,so the color information is used as the main identification information of the yarn tube. The paper mainly studies the conversion from RGB color space model to HSI color space model,and the judgment of algorithm selection.

Keywords:yarn tubes sorting machine;yarn tubes;color space;color recognition


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