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110 kV 变电站 VR 虚拟仿真系统设计
(国家电网 国网榆林供电公司,陕西 榆林 719000)

摘  要:随着电力系统的发展,电力行业对一线人员的专业水平提出更高要求。因此,提高电工培训效果至关重要,而电力生产的高危险性,是电工培训待解决的缺点。我们急需一种安全有效的培训方式,110 kV 变电站 VR 虚拟仿真系统应运而生。该平台利用虚拟现实技术,充分发挥其技术特性,使该平台给学员多感官的沉浸式体验。克服了电力培训长久以来的难点和痛点,实现了设备学习、漫游巡视和操作演练的功能,可为受训人员打下扎实的实践操作基础。

关键词:VR 虚拟仿真;虚拟现实;电工培训;克服缺点


中图分类号:TP391.9                                         文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)03-0080-04

Design of VR Virtual Simulation System for 110 kV Substation

LIU Haoyang

(State Grid Yulin Electric Power Supply Company, State Grid, Yulin 719000, China)

Abstract: With the development of power system, the power industry puts forward higher requirements for the professional level of front-line personnel. Therefore, it is very important to improve the effect of electrician training, and the high risk of power production is the disadvantage to be solved in electrician training. We urgently need a safe and effective training method, then an application of VR virtual simulation system in 110 kV substation is born at the right moment. This platform uses virtual reality technology to give full play to its technical characteristics, so that the platform can give students multi sensory immersive experience. It overcomes the difficulties and pain points of power training for a long time, realizes the functions of equipment learning, roaming inspection and operation drill, and can lay a solid practical operation foundation for trainees.

Keywords: VR virtual simulation; virtual reality; electrician training; overcome the shortcoming


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