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(31612 部队,福建 福州 350200)

摘  要:视频会议系统分为硬件视频会议系统和软件视频会议系统,在两种系统兼具优缺点的情况下,如何最大化地用好自有视频会议系统,使其在新冠疫情的当下发挥更加积极主动的作用,是当前技术面临的一个新挑战。文章在对比硬件视频会议系统和软件视频会议系统之后,对软硬件结合的新型视频会议系统进行了组网研究并解决了关键技术。



中图分类号:TP393                                        文献标识码:A                                      文章编号:2096-4706(2022)03-0084-04

Research on Combined Network of a New Video Conference System Combined with Hardware and Software

LEI Wangwei, WANG Jing

(Troops No.31612, Fuzhou 350200, China)

Abstract: Video conference system is divided into hardware video conference system and software video conference system. In the case of both advantages and disadvantages of the two systems, how to make the best use of owned video conference systems to make it play a more active and positive role in the current COVID-19 epidemic situation is a new challenge faced by the current technology. After comparing hardware and software video conference systems, this paper studies the combined network of the new video conference system combined with hardware and software, and solves the key technologies.

Keywords: video conference system; software; hardware; combined network


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