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基于 SDN 负载均衡的高校选课系统
(临沂大学,山东 临沂 276000)

摘  要:在调研的基础上,针对高校学生在线选课高峰期所遇到的突发性网络拥堵问题,探究了基于 SDN 的解决方案。在SDN 网络架构下利用其负载均衡技术,给出了基于 SDN 负载均衡的选课系统的实现方法,利用 Mininet 建立实验模型,模拟实验数据证实了系统的有效性。与传统网络架构相比,系统在均衡网络流量、提升响应能力和响应时间方面具有独特优势。



中图分类号:TP311                                         文献标识码:A                                       文章编号:2096-4706(2022)12-0071-03

College Course Selection System Based on SDN Load Balancing

HUANG Ju, HE Maozhong, ZHANG Xiaomeng, FU Guangquan

(Linyi University, Linyi 276000, China)

Abstract: Based on the survey, this paper explores the solution scheme based on SDN in view of the sudden network congestion problem encountered by college students during the peak period of online course selection. It uses the load balancing technology under the SDN network architecture, gives the realization method of course selection system based on SDN load balancing. The experimental model is established by using Mininet, and the effectiveness of the system is verified by the simulated experimental data. Compared with traditional network architectures, the system has unique advantages in the aspects of balancing network traffic and improving response capability and response time.

Keywords: SDN; load balancing; college course selection system


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