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基于 Kubernetes 的并行计算测试平台设计及其 在水务系统测试中的应用
(哈尔滨航天恒星数据系统科技有限公司,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150028)

摘  要:大数据技术的快速发展,对水务系统的数据处理能力提出了更高的要求。有效验证水务系统的处理能力,提高测试平台的测试效率,已成为水务系统测试的重点和难点。因此文章设计一款基于 ubernetes 并行计算的测试平台,利用基于Kubernetes 的资源利用率函数,完成双层次并行计算架构设计。自动生成水务系统的各类模拟数据,并反向注入水务系统,监控系统的数据处理能力。实践表明,与传统测试平台相比,该平台不仅提供数据生成服务,还能对水务系统的处理能力进行测试,测试效率提升 34%。



中图分类号:TP311                                          文献标识码:A                                文章编号:2096-4706(2022)12-0074-04

Design of Parallel Computing Test Platform Based on Kubernetes and its Application in Water System Testing

QI Fei, XU Nuo, ZHOU Hanxiao, MA Gang

(Harbin Space Star Data System Technology Co., Ltd., Harbin 150028, China)

Abstract: The rapid development of big data technology puts forward higher requirements for the data processing capacity of water system. It has become the focus and difficulty of water system testing to effectively verify the processing capacity of water system and improve the test efficiency of the test platform. Therefore, this paper designs a test platform based on kubernetes parallel computing, and completes the design of two-tier parallel computing architecture by using the resource utilization function based on Kubernetes. Automatically generate all kinds of simulation data of the water system, and reverse inject them into the water system to monitor the data processing capacity of the system. Practice shows that compared with the traditional test platform, this platform not only provides data generation services, but also tests the processing capacity of the water system, and the test efficiency is increased by 34%.

Keywords: parallel computing; Kubernetes; resource utilization function; automatic test


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