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(北京瑞思博创科技有限公司,北京 100036)

摘  要:随着国家“双碳”政策的推进,对于能源消耗大户数据中心,目标不仅是 PUE 限制,而是要切实减少能源消耗、减少碳排放,使用数据中心数字孪生技术可以辅助数据中心节能,文章讨论如何通过数字孪生数值模拟平台分析实现数据中心节能计算,并且在数字孪生模型中体现影响数据中心能耗的关键基础设施参数,结合实际测试经验与厂家数据,评估这些参数对数据中心数值模拟的影响,以数字孪生数值模拟实例和测试数据展示节能效果。分析结果表明,通过数字孪生技术辅助能耗分析都可以找到可优化点,实现数据中心节能减排的目的。



中图分类号:TP391.9                                     文献标识码:A                                      文章编号:2096-4706(2022)12-0078-05

Analysis on the Implementation of Energy Saving and Consumption Reduction in Data Center by Digital Twin Numerical Simulation Platform


(Beijing Rainspur Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 100036, China)

Abstract: With the promotion of the national policy of “double carbon”, for the data center with large energy consumption, the goal is not only to limit PUE, but to effectively reduce energy consumption and carbon emission. Using the data center digital twin technology can assist the data center in energy saving. This paper discusses how to realize the energy saving calculation of the data center through the digital twin numerical simulation platform analysis, and reflect the key infrastructure parameters affecting the energy consumption of the data center in the digital twin model. Combined with the actual test experience and manufacturer’s data, it evaluates the impact of these parameters on the numerical simulation of the data center, and shows the energy saving effect with the actual examples and test data of digital twin numerical simulation. The analysis results show that the optimization points can be found through energy consumption analysis assisted by the digital twin technology, so as to achieve the purpose of energy saving and emission reduction in the data center.

Keywords: double carbon data center; numerical simulation; energy saving and emission reduction; PUE 


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