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基于 Docker 容器的多节点 Hadoop 集群 快速部署方案
(广州工商学院,广东 广州 518200)

摘  要:随着大数据时代的到来,人们对数据的关注达到了前所未有的程度。在学习基于 Hadoop 开源项目的大数据框架的时候,对运行环境的要求十分苛刻,但是通过容器技术快速搭建多节点 Hadoop 集群的方案可以完美地解决复杂烦琐的配置问题。相较于传统的部署方式,运用容器技术可以快速实现环境的搭建和部署,该方案具有轻量、易移植、易伸缩的优点,极大地节省了时间成本和人力成本,而且安全性和可靠性也能得到保障。




中图分类号:TP311                                          文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2022)13-0077-05

A Fast Deployment Scheme of Multi Node Hadoop Cluster Based on Docker Container

QIN Huang, LIU Xiaojuan, LI Man, LIU Xiaoli

(Guangzhou College of Technology and Business, Guangzhou 518200, China)

Abstract: With the advent of the era of big data, people have paid unprecedented attention to data. When learning the big data framework based on Hadoop open source project, the requirements for the operating environment are very strict, but the solution of quickly building a multi node Hadoop cluster through container technology can perfectly solve the complex and cumbersome configuration problems. Compared with the traditional deployment method, the application of container technology can quickly realize the construction and deployment of the environment. This scheme has the advantages of light weight, easy transplantation and easy scalability, which greatly saves time and labor costs, and the safety and reliability can also be guaranteed.

Keywords: container; big data; Hadoop; multi node


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