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轻量网络 MHNet 对新冠肺炎的识别研究
(中国矿业大学(北京)机电与信息工程学院,北京 100083)

摘  要:为了能够快速准确地诊断出新冠肺炎患者,文章参考 MobileNetV2 架构并结合注意力网络,改进损失优化函数,依据 CNN 网络设计准则搭建新型轻量网络 MHNet。在 COVIDx CXR-2 公开数据集上进行的实验表明,该网络在准确率、召回率、特异性、精准率、F1 分数、模型大小、CPU 单张图推理耗时、GPU 单张图推理耗时上的指标分别为 92%、99%、85%、86.84%、92.52%、3.91 MB、59.51 ms、17.66 ms。相较于其他传统网络,该网络对新冠肺炎感染者的诊断率较高、诊断效果较好。

关键词:新冠肺炎;ECA-Net;FocalLoss;高效 CNN 网络设计准则


中图分类号:TP391.4                                       文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)13-0082-05

Study on the Identification of COVID-19 by Light Weight Network MHNet

HOU Linshuo, WANG Yin, LONG Qihang, LI Yuxiang, MA Shukang

(College of Mechatronics and Information Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing, Beijing 100083, China)

Abstract: In order to diagnose COVID-19 patients more accurately and quickly, this paper refers to MobileNetV2 architecture and combines attention network, improves loss optimization function, and builds a new lightweight network MHNet according to CNN network design criteria. Experiments on a public COVIDx CXR-2 dataset show that the indicators of the network in accuracy, recall, specificity, accuracy, F1 score, model size, CPU single graph reasoning time, GPU single graph reasoning time are 92%, 99%, 85%, 86.84%, 92.52%, 3.91 MB, 59.51 ms, 17.66 ms respectively. Compared with other traditional networks, this network has higher diagnostic rate and better diagnostic effect for patients infected with covid-19 infection.

Keywords: COVID-19; ECA-Net; FocalLoss; Guidelines for efficient CNN network design


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