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基于改进 U-net 网络的腺体细胞 图像分割算法应用研究
(广州商学院,广东 广州 511363)

摘  要:针对医学领域中腺体细胞分割问题,提出基于改进 U-net 网络的腺体细胞图像分割算法,提供一种高可用性图像处理模型。该模型能够增强腺体细胞特征,减少信息丢失,借用 OpenCV 对腺体细胞轮廓进行颜色处理。采用 U-net 网络结合空洞残差模块,提高细胞分割精确度。文章方法在ISBI数据集评测,设计多组实验对比,验证可行性,实验结果Dice 系数达0.925,表明对腺体细胞图像分割算法存在较高应用价值。

关键词:腺体细胞分割;U-net 网络;图像处理;空洞残差模块;Dice 系数


中图分类号:TP391.4                                     文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)13-0094-04

Application Research of Glandular Cell Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on Improved U-net Network


(Guangzhou College of Commerce, Guangzhou 511363, China)

Abstract: Aiming at the problem of glandular cell segmentation in the medical field, a glandular cell image segmentation algorithm based on improved U-net network is proposed, which provides a high-availability image processing model. The model can enhance the glandular cell features, reduce the loss of information, and use OpenCV to color the glandular cell outline. The U-net network combined with the dilated residual module is used to improve the accuracy of cell segmentation. The method in this paper is evaluated on the ISBI data set, and comparison of multiple sets of experiments is designed to verify the feasibility. The experimental results show that the Dice coefficient reaches 0.925, which indicates that it has higher application value to the glandular cell image segmentation algorithm.

Keywords: glandular cell segmentation; U-net network; image processing; dilated residual module; Dice coefficient


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