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基于图形创意课程的 PS 软件在照片处理中的运用 ——以制作茶道宣传广告为例
(山东华宇工学院,山东 德州 253034)

摘  要:随着设计类教育教学的不断发展,图形创意课程也在不断改进,引入了计算机辅助设计。利用设计软件进行设计,加快了设计进度,增强了设计效果,改变了传统图形创意课程中重理论轻实践的弊端。Photoshop 软件作为一款具有强大功能的设计软件,给予用户快速表现设计效果功能的同时,其也具有一定的操作难度及专业技巧。文中以制作茶道宣传广告为例,结合图形创意课程的基础,对 Photoshop 软件在处理不同照片时运用到的技巧及命令进行研究分析。

关键词:图形创意;Photoshop 软件;照片处理



中图分类号:TP39                                       文献标识码:A                                     文章编号:2096-4706(2022)13-0090-04

Application of PS Software in Photo Processing Based on Graphic Creativity Courses—Taking the Making Tea Ceremony Advertisement as an Example

ZHANG Yanyan

(Shandong Huayu University of Technology, Dezhou 253034, China)

Abstract: With the continuous development of design education and teaching, the graphic creativity course is also constantly improved, and the computer-aided design is introduced. This paper uses the design software to design, accelerates the design progress, enhances the design effect, and changes the disadvantages of traditional graphic creativity course focusing on theory over practice. As a powerful design software, Photoshop software gives users the function of quick performance of the design effect, but also has a certain degree of operation difficulty and professional skills. This paper takes the making tea ceremony advertisement as an example, combined with the basis of graphic creativity courses, studies and analyzes the skills and commands used by Photoshop software in processing different photos.

Keywords: graphic creativity; Photoshop software; photo processing


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