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(福建省地震局,福建 福州 350003)

摘  要:数字地震台网综合处理系统是复杂的分布式网络应用系统,面对复杂的多网联接、多源海量数据的快速处理、及时可靠的地震事件处理等难题,该文研究的通用架构,引入关键技术形成服务于应用的技术解决方案,对应用的数据、流程、功能、接口等方面的共性内容进行抽象归纳,构建组件化的通用框架,为综合处理系统的建设提供整体指导和基础支撑,保障系统的统一规划和高效开发。



基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2018YFC1504005)

中图分类号:TP311                                          文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)13-0106-04

Research and Design of General Architecture of Digital Seismic Network Integrated Processing System

LI Shuilong, ZHOU Yueyong, YU Weiheng, ZHOU Shiwen

(Fujian Earthquake Agency, Fuzhou 350003, China)

Abstract: Digital seismic network integrated processing system is a complex distributed network application system. Facing the difficulties such as complex multi-network connection, fast processing of multi-source massive data, timely and reliable seismic event processing, the general architecture studied in this paper introduces key technologies to form technical solutions serving the application. By abstracting and summarizing the common contents of data, process, function, interface and other aspects of the application, a componentized general framework can be constructed, which can provide overall guidance and basic support for the construction of the comprehensive processing system, and guarantee the unified planning and efficient development of the system.

Keywords: digital seismic network; integrated processing system; general architecture; separation of concerns


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