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(国能神东煤炭集团有限责任公司 移动应用项目部,陕西 神木 719315)

摘  要:国产操作系统基本上都是基于 Linux 开源代码改造的版本,以开源的 Linux 系统为基础,国内已经产生了很多版本的操作系统,主要包括中科红旗、中标麒麟和深度操作系统等。中标麒麟操作系统内核为 Linux,充分利用了 Linux 作为开源系统代码开放、汇集多方更新的长处,为开发通用性较强的操作系统奠定了坚实的基础。神东生产管控平台建设中使用了中标麒麟高级服务器操作系统,系统成功稳定运行了达梦数据库、H5S 视频平台、Primeton EOS Platform 等数据库软件与应用软件。



中图分类号:TP311                                        文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2022)13-0109-04

Application and Maintenance of Domestic Operating System in Shendong Production Management and Control Platform

MENG Xianxiu

(Mobile Application Department, Shendong Coal Group Co., Ltd., Shenmu 719315, China)

Abstract: Domestic operating systems are basically modified version on the basis of Linux open source code. Based on the open source Linux system, many versions of operating systems have been produced in China, mainly including Redflag, NeoKylin and deep operating systems. The NeoKylin operating system kernel is Linux, which makes full use of the advantages of Linux as an open source system with open code and multi-party updates, and lays a solid foundation for the development of a more versatile operating system. In the construction of Shendong production management and control platform, the NeoKylin advanced server operating system is used, and the system has successfully and stably operated database software and application software such as Damon database, H5S video platform, Primeton EOS platform.

Keywords: domestic operating system; Linux; NeoKylin  


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