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包装设计中 Adobe Illustrator 的应用及功能分析 ——以制作包装刀版图为例
(山东华宇工学院,山东 德州 253034)

摘  要:在现今科技迅速发展的大环境下,在包装设计中利用计算机辅助软件进行设计正逐渐成为趋势。Adobe Illustrator 软件自 1987 年发布至今经过多次升级更新,在生产印刷、效果图制作、多媒体图像制作等方面具有突出优势,其功能可以适用于包装设计中,文章通过分析包装设计的流程及设计要素,以制作包装刀版图为例,对 Adobe Illustrator 软件的应用及功能进行探究分析。

关键词:包装设计;Adobe Illustrator;刀版图


中图分类号:TP39                                         文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2022)13-0117-04

Application and Function Analysis of Adobe Illustrator in Package Design—Take Making Packaging Knife Layout as an Example 

SUN Jingru, HOU Linlin

(Shandong Huayu University of Technology, Dezhou 253034, China)

Abstract: In today’s environment of rapid development of science and technology, using the computer aided software to design in packaging design is gradually becoming a trend. Adobe Illustrator has been updated for many times since its release in 1987. It has outstanding advantages in production printing, effect drawing making, multimedia image making and other aspects. Its functions can be applied to packaging design. By analyzing the process and design elements of packaging design, this paper takes the making and packing die plate pictures as an example, explores and analyzes the application and function of Adobe Illustrator software.

Keywords: packaging design; Adobe Illustrator; die plate picture


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