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一种基于 AIOPS 的数据库运维生态系统
(中国移动通信集团山西有限公司,山西 太原 030032)

摘  要:随着 IT 系统的复杂程度越来越高,系统运维也面临着前所未有的挑战,要确保系统运维广度的同时,兼顾系统运维的深度,这对传统的运维模式带来了很大的挑战;为了解决这个运维难题,文章提出了一种基于 AIOPS 的数据库生态运维方法,通过生态化的理念建立了运维指标体系、运维模型,在生态体系基础上依据 AIOPS 方法实现了智能运维机器人的工具链建设,实现了一整套可行的数据库运维生态系统。

关键词:AIOPS;生态运维;dsmart 平台;健康管理


中图分类号:TP311                                         文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2022)13-0121-04

A Database Operation and Maintenance Ecosystem Based on AIOPS

LU Rui, WANG Xiaoying

(China Mobile Group Shanxi Co., Ltd., Taiyuan 030032, China)

Abstract: With the IT system is more and more complex, the system operation and maintenance is also facing unprecedented challenges. To ensure the breadth of system operation and maintenance while taking into account the depth of system operation and maintenance, which bring great challenges to the traditional operation and maintenance mode. In order to solve this difficult operation and maintenance problem, this paper proposes a database ecological operation and maintenance method based on AIOPS, establishes the operation and maintenance index system and operation and maintenance model through the ecological concept, realizes the tool chain construction of intelligent operation and maintenance robot based on the ecological system and AIOPS method, and realizes a complete set of feasible database operation and maintenance ecosystem.

Keywords: AIOPS; ecological operation and maintenance; dsmart platform; health management


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