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(广西国际商务职业技术学院,广西 南宁 530007)

摘  要:结合广西国际商务职业技术学院大学路校区的无线网络改造的实际情况,为解决校园网原线路重复建设、多家运营商不能同时接入、带宽低、终端接入存在安全隐患等问题,文章从无线网络需求、无线网络总体建设目标和无线网网络设计三个部分展开阐述,完成了校园无线网络的升级改造,使师生能够在校园的任何地方都可以方便地享受到网络的无缝漫游服务,极大地提高了学校信息化水平。



基金项目:2022 年度广西高校中青年教师科研基础能力提升项目(2022KY1273)

中图分类号:TN929.5                                       文献标识码:A                              文章编号:2096-4706(2022)14-0075-04

Research on Wireless Network Planning and Application in Higher Vocational Colleges

LIAO Xiaoqun, LUO Tianyao, LI Run

(Guangxi International Business Vocational College, Nanning 530007, China)

Abstract: Combined with the actual situation of the wireless network reconstruction of the University Road campus of Guangxi International Business Vocational College, in order to solve the problems of repeated construction of original lines of the campus network, inability of multiple operators to access at the same time, low bandwidth and hidden security risks in terminal access and so on, this paper expounds the requirements of wireless network, the overall construction goal of wireless network and the design of wireless network, completes the upgrade of the campus wireless network so that teachers and students can easily enjoy the seamless roaming service of the network anywhere on campus, which greatly improves the informatization level of the school.

Keywords: wireless network; campus network; network planning; informatization construction; application research


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