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(河北科技大学,河北 石家庄 050018)

摘  要:随着铁路、公路等各级交通运输线络的发展,隧道交通量逐渐增加,隧道内的环境安全监测变得异常重要。裂缝是隧道环境安全的主要影响因素之一,传统基于图像处理的隧道裂缝检测技术由于受环境光照强度、对比度等干扰而使检测结果不够准确。近期,在对物体表面形貌的识别上普遍采用基于光栅条纹投影的三维轮廓测量方法。采用该方法模拟对隧道裂缝的检测过程,结合运用四步相移法和多频外差法获得准确的裂缝图像并进行三维重建。实验结果表明,该算法能够成功完成对物体表面裂缝的检测和三维重建。




中图分类号:TP391.9                                       文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2022)14-0079-04

Simulation Research of Tunnel Crack Detection Algorithm Based on Grating Projection

SU Jingfang, ZHOU Ge, MA Lifang

(Hebei University of Science and Technology, Shijiazhuang 050018, China)

Abstract: With the development of railway, highway and other transportation lines at all levels, the tunnel traffic volume is gradually increasing, and the environmental safety monitoring in the tunnel has become extremely important. Cracks are one of the main factors affecting the safety of tunnel environment. The traditional tunnel crack detection technology based on image processing makes the detection results inaccurate due to the interference of environmental light intensity and contrast. Recently, the three-dimensional contour measurement method based on grating fringe projection is widely used in the recognition of object surface morphology. This method is used to simulate the detection process of tunnel cracks, combined with the four step phase shift method and multi frequency heterodyne method to obtain accurate crack images and carry out three-dimensional reconstruction. The experimental results show that the algorithm can successfully complete the detection and three-dimensional reconstruction of object surface cracks.

Keywords: crack recognition; three-dimensional reconstruction; four step phase shift; multi frequency


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