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(河南开封科技传媒学院 理工学院,河南 开封 475004)

摘  要:随着信息技术获取的多样化,可以从不同角度和不同途径来获取不同的特征数据,如何有效挖掘多视角数据内部特征的一致性以及差异性是当前构造多视角聚类算法需要解决的问题。从视角的一致性出发,一方面引入核范数对多个视角之间的模糊隶属度矩阵进行低秩约束;另一方面研究多视角子空间聚类方法,利用低秩核映射,通过这种映射,使特征空间中的映射数据不仅具有低秩性,而且具有自表达性,从而使得低维子空间结构在高维特征空间中得以呈现。通过对比引入低秩约束多视角的算法,发现低秩约束的共性问题。




中图分类号:TP311.1                                       文献识别码:A                                文献编号:2096-4706(2022)15-0074-04

Research on Multi-view Clustering Algorithm Based on Low Rank Constraint

HE Yanfang, LI Lijie

(Institute of Technology, Henan Kaifeng College of Science Technology and Communication, Kaifeng 475004, China)

Abstract: With the diversification of information technology acquisition, different feature data can be obtained from different angles and different ways. How to effectively mine the consistency and difference of internal features of multi-view data is a problem to be solved in constructing multi-view clustering algorithm. Starting from consistency of perspectives, on the one hand, the kernel norm is introduced to carry out the low rank constraint of the fuzzy membership matrix between multiple perspectives. On the other hand, the multi view subspace clustering method is studied, and the low rank kernel mapping is used. Through this mapping, the mapping data in the feature space not only has low rank, but also has self-expression, so that the low dimensional subspace structure can be presented in the high dimensional feature space. By comparing the algorithms of introducing low rank constraint and multi view, it finds the common problems of low rank constraint.

Keywords: multi-view data; uniformity; difference; low rank constraint


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