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(广州工程技术职业学院 信息工程学院,广东 广州 510075)

摘  要:针对多资源多任务的冲突消解问题,文章提出一种面向资源负载率的多资源多任务冲突消解算法,该算法以任务优先级和资源负载率作为任务和资源的选择原则。首先给出单一资源冲突消解算法,再通过级联调度的方式进行多资源冲突消解,实现并发任务的半串行化,最终达到资源冲突的完全消解,同时保证相关性任务集整体完成时间最小化。



基金项目:2021 年度广东省普通高校特色创新类项目(2021KTSCX268);广州工程技术职业学院 2021 年度教学质量与教学改革工程项目(YJG202113)

中图分类号:TP301.6                                         文献标识码:A                                     文章编号:2096-4706(2022)15-0070-04

A Conflict Resolution Algorithm for Shared Resources of Correlated Task Sets Based on Cascade Scheduling


(School of Information Engineering, Guangzhou Institute of Technology, Guangzhou 510075, China)

Abstract: Aiming at the problem of multi resources and multitasking conflict resolution, this paper proposes a multi resources and multitasking conflict resolution algorithm oriented to resource load rate. This algorithm takes task priority and resource load rate as the selection principle of task and resource. Firstly, it proposes a single resource conflict resolution algorithm, and then it implements multi resources conflict resolution by cascade scheduling to achieve semi serialization of concurrent tasks. Finally, it achieves complete resolution of resource conflict and ensures to minimize the overall completion time of related task set.

Keywords: cascade scheduling; multi resource; multitasking; resource conflict resolution algorithm


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