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基于藏品叙事逻辑的艺术院校数字美术馆 元数据构建研究
(山东工艺美术学院美术馆,山东 济南 250300)

摘  要:美术馆数字化需要建立规范性的元数据标准,然而艺术院校美术馆藏品元数据设定不符合管理和应用需求。在梳理国内外艺术藏品领域的元数据标准、研究和实践成果基础上,构建了艺术院校艺术藏品三层次元数据模型,该模型设计了描述性元数据、管理记录元数据和附件元数据以及 8 个模块元素。此模型为艺术院校美术馆构建比较契合的艺术藏品数字化叙事逻辑,也为同类机构元数据标准建设提供可参考的思路。



中图分类号:TP391                                          文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)16-0079-04

Research on Metadata Construction of Digital Art Museum in Art College Based on Collection Narrative Logic

QU Shuai

(Art Museum of Shandong University of Art & Design, Jinan 250300, China)

Abstract: The digitization of art museums needs to establish normative metadata standards, but the metadata settings of art museums in art colleges do not meet the management and application needs. On the basis of combing the metadata standards, research and practice achievements in the field of art collections at home and abroad, a three-tier metadata model of art collections in art colleges is constructed. The model designs descriptive metadata, management record metadata, attachment metadata and eight module elements. This model builds a more suitable digital narrative logic for art collections for art colleges and galleries, and also provides a reference idea for the metadata standard construction of similar institutions.

Keywords: art college; digital art museum; metadata; collection; management


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