摘 要:设计了基于防火墙和路由器的 VPN 实验,针对 IPsec VPN 的隧道备份和建立 IPsec VPN 隧道时的 NAT 穿越两方面进行研究,目的为达到总部配置了 IPsec VPN 的设备在单点故障或链路故障时,流量可以自动进行主备切换和 VPN 设备可以穿越 NAT 设备建立隧道。使用 Wireshark 对防火墙和路由器的接口进行抓包分析,观察总部 PC 与分部 PC 之间通信时,报文是否被加密处理,实现企业网络在防火墙双机热备下的高可靠性和安全性。
关键词:防火墙;主备切换;隧道备份;IPsec VPN;NAT 穿越
中图分类号:TP393 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)16-0096-05
Design of IPsec VPN Crossing Simulation Experiment Based on Firewall Dual Hot Standby
ZENG Lijuan, YANG Ping, XU Yunji, WU Shuang
(Nanchang Jiaotong Institute, Nanchang 330100, China)
Abstract: The VPN experiment based on firewall and router is designed in this paper. It studies the tunnel backup of IPsec VPN and the NAT crossing when establishing the IPsec VPN tunnel. The purpose is to achieve that the traffic can automatically carry out the master standby switching and the VPN equipment can establish the tunnel by crossing the NAT equipment, when the single point of failure or link failure occurs in the equipment of IPsec VPN configured by the headquarters. Wireshark is used to carry out packet capture analysis for the interface between firewall and router, and it observes whether the message is processed by encrypted when communicating between headquarters PC and branch PC, so as to realize the high reliability and security of enterprise network under the dual hot standby of firewall.
Keywords: firewall; master standby switching; tunnel backup; IPsec VPN; NAT crossing
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