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摘  要:随着人们日常生活娱乐活动多样性的增加,以及科技技术发展的快速步伐,虚拟角色的应用日益增多,通过深度学习技术的加持来助力虚拟角色产业的发展意义重大。文章对“深度学习”应用领域中的“虚拟角色”进行了研究,叙述了虚拟角色的制作过程,利用深度摄像头对虚拟角色进行肢体动作控制,基于深度学习技术生成虚拟角色脸部表情。



中图分类号:TP391.9                                   文献标识码:A                                     文章编号:2096-4706(2022)16-0100-04

Design and Implementation of Virtual Character Production System Based on Deep Learning

WU Zilong, XU Bingquan, DENG Xuanye

(Software Engineering Institute of Guangzhou, Guangzhou 510900, China)

Abstract: With the increase of diversity of people's recreations in daily life, and the rapid pace of the development of technology, the application of virtual characters is growing gradually. It is meaningful to make use of deep learning techniques to promote the development of virtual character industry. This paper studies the “virtual character” in the application field of “deep learning”, and describes the production process of the virtual character, uses the deep camera to control the limb movements of virtual characters, generates facial expressions of virtual characters based on deep learning technology. 

Keywords: artificial intelligence; virtual character; virtual newscaster; motion capture; facial expression generation 


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