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(银川能源学院,宁夏 银川 750100)

摘  要:近年来,互联网的数据化、智能化和一体化已成为信息化时代发展的新趋势。文章设计并制作了基于树莓派的双目摄像系统,该系统基于计算机视觉和静态图像进行图像拼接,通过双目摄像头对拍摄的图像进行算法处理,在树莓派控制板功能的加持下实现图像静态和实时拼接,对接网页框架将拼接图像上传至手机端或电脑端。




中图分类号:TP391.4                                      文献标识码:A                               文章编号:2096-4706(2022)16-0104-04

Design and Manufacture of Binocular Camera System Based on Raspberry Pi 

KONG Shengwen, MA Pingshuai, DING Yongxian

(Yinchuan University of Energy, Yinchuan 750100, China)

Abstract: In recent years, the digitalization, intellectualization and integration of the Internet have become a new development trend of the informatization era. This paper designs and makes a binocular camera system based on Raspberry Pi. The system performs image stitching based on computer vision and static images. The captured images are processed by algorithms through binocular cameras. With the support of the Raspberry Pi control board function, the static and real-time stitching of images is realized. The stitched images are uploaded to the mobile phone or computer through the Web page frame.

Keywords: Raspberry Pi; binocular camera; image stiching 


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