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(深圳市人民医院,广东 深圳 518020)

摘  要:当前现代化医院的运营与信息技术已紧密融合,数据中心作为医院信息化的大本营,其建设意义重大。文章主要以深圳市人民医院为例,阐述医院数据中心面临的问题、规划思路、建设要点及双活 + 异地容灾数据中心的实现效果。从医院业务的需求出发,通过顶层设计和良好的规划进一步提升医院数据中心的承载能力、容灾能力,进而支撑现代化医院的高效运营。



中图分类号:TP311                                           文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)22-0089-04

Research and Application on Disaster Recovery Data Center of Large Comprehensive Top Three Hospital

DING Wanfu, LIANG Xin, TANG Xuemin, XIA Yan, WEI Bo

(Shenzhen People’s Hospital, Shenzhen 518020, China)

Abstract: At present, the operation of modern hospitals has been closely integrated with information technology. As the headquarters of hospital information, the construction of data center is of great significance. This paper takes Shenzhen People's Hospital as an example, expounds the problems faced by the hospital data center, planning ideas, key points of construction and the implementation effect of the dual active + remote disaster recovery data center. It starts from the needs of hospital business, through top-level design and good planning, further improves the carrying capacity and disaster recovery capacity of the hospital data center, so as to support the efficient operation of modern hospitals.

Keywords: dual-active data center; cloud computing; virtualization technique; private cloud


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